Trio of African vultures perched on a dead tree
280€ – 1200€
Trio of African vultures perched on a dead tree
in Kruger national park, South Africa.
Photo published as a double page of the figaro magazine of July 12 and 13, 2019 and double page of Terre Sauvage N°369
Guaranteed quality of your photo:
Trio of African vultures perched on a dead tree
The 6-colour printing system ensures the most realistic results.
realistic result. With this method, the white parts of your photo are not printed.
are not printed, giving an incredible depth effect to your
effect to your aluminium panel print. Direct printing on
Alu-Dibond is perfectly suited to prolonged outdoor use and exposure in
exhibition in damp locations (bathrooms, kitchens). If
despite our expertise and our precautions, you notice something abnormal
on your product, we will send you a new photograph at our expense.
Certificate of authenticity :
The print is accompanied by a certificate of authenticity with the edition number of the work.
Hanging your photo:
Metal fixing kit provided free of charge according to the size of the photo